So often, I have had no other choice but to face such illusory patterns of pent-up energy, stored or lying dormant within, that alchemical transmutation—evidenced by my ultimate surrender and the welling up of tears staining my cheeks—and solace, emanate throughout every cell of my being. I am here to tell you that there is a way out of your wayward energy, that no longer serves the wellbeing of your good nature and that was never yours to begin with. You have errantly possessed such toxic patterns of vibratory energy—because you have accidentally misidentified with it as your own— that have caused you to act out and behave in such ill-spent ways.
You believe that you are what you are not, or never needed to be, because society foretold a story that you are misshapen identities. You falsely accuse yourselves, while projecting your fears onto others in blame and denial, all because you never let your old selves go. At that time, in childhood, when you were becoming men (and women too), your fathers did not know (there is no blame in this). The system that was created is clueless, yet it promotes false, accusatory identities, such a risky business that only serves one’s self, not the whole.
You are at risk of losing everything—this splendid life and natural world—to your ego-centered beliefs, or self-serving mentalities, because no one spelled out the necessity of rites of passage that create more responsible, worldly attitudes, the necessity of selfless acts, where all you do is reciprocate naturally, such that no one will ever feel left out or abandoned.
Only a few will ever rise up and, through their false identities, be cast adrift in a sea of shame and hostility. Only a few will express violence toward their mother, the feminine—that exacting polarity alive inside us, yet repressed—because the dysfunctional masculine nature of unwarranted needs, outweighs the realization that all needs are met—always.
I wish I would have known that I must take the plunge, plummeting to my perceived death, so I might rise up, reborn, as something new. Alas, this world is exactly as it ought to be, because we are here to learn lessons, not perfect anything, or resemble perfection, in any sense whatsoever. Those who do are errantly mistaken and find that they possess a false identity that ravages the earth. People believe that they must seek outward help to become something, when they already possess within every gift that the Creator has bestowed upon them.
I only found this out, by giving up nearly everything—all but a few of my worldly possessions and friends—from an old life that was never mine to uphold. I am not who I was when I was young, but on some level, I still am. That innocent child, who is now fully grown and who has shed that lonesome skin of ignorance—the veil of illusion—that I was always meant to let go of. Those who have taken the fall have let go and let themselves die inside. Some have felt this alchemical transmutation taking place—potentially lasting years—most painfully when they resisted the inevitable release the most.
The only answer to your uprising is to surrender.
The only thing you must do, each time you feel fear churning within, is to let go. Imagine, that you are holding hands with whoever might arise at that moment in time, whether it is someone you love or hate, you know, on a deeper level, that they deserve to be forgiven, just as we do. Now imagine that you just let go of that hand while teetering on the edge of oblivion.
Let yourself go.
Fall into the unknown expanses of your internal landscape. You know that a part of you must die for new, flourishing energy to enliven your soul once more. This sense of relief that always follows is evidenced by your tears flowing unhindered, shamelessly. Perhaps you cry out in anguish because the pain you have held on to is so intense. Just let go, my dear child, become a man.
You are loved, completely. Every fiber of your being is supported by all that is. You inherit pure, innocent, and unbridled energy. You tap into your divinity, and birthright, to inherit, once more, who you truly are—someone who was forgotten, for a time, only to be remembered once more.
Know that only you can go this far each time the emotion rises up, seeking its expression, whether it be anger, remorse, guilt, or shame. Remember, that it is no one else’s to possess, or to be projected onto, because you are learning to be responsible enough to transmute this old energy into something new.
Trust in the unknown, that Spirit beckons you to withdraw from a life that was never meant to serve you, only teach you what it means to become selfless and to embody ‘What is true’. It is your humanity, as illumined, enlightened humans, that enables you to walk here on this earth plane, no longer surviving or plagued by conditions, or dogmas, but rather unfurling and speaking your highest, most divinely guided expressions of universal truths.
Are you ready to awaken your highest calling?
—Photo Credit: Flickr/new 1lluminati
The post Surrendering To The Fall And Rising Up, Brand New appeared first on The Good Men Project.