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The Karma Of Dog Poop



It’s a cool buzzword.

And people use it every day.

But I think I’ve got a handle on it.

Let’s say I’m out walking my dog. His name is Henry by the way. And he poops big.

That’s right. Large poops. Human-sized poops if you will.

He’s a big dog. A yellow Labrador Retriever.

Anyway, let’s say Henry and I are walking one of our usual routes around the neighborhood and Henry stops to poop. He’s going to be proud of his work and probably kick up a bunch of rocks and soil to celebrate it.

I’ve got two choices now:

I can pick up the poop with my environmentally-friendly, green, biodegradable, poop bags from Amazon.

Or, I can be a jerk face and just leave the poop there. Henry and I can scurry away and hope no one is looking out their window and witnessing my treachery.

If I choose the latter, and on the next night when it’s dark and foggy with no moon or stars to light our way, we walk the same route and I step in that same dog poop, it will absolutely be my fault.

Had I just picked it up the night before, it would have been over and done with.

Instead, there’s poop on my shoes. It will take forever to get it out of the aggressive tread of my hiking shoes.


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*Photo by James Gummer and Henry. Courtesy of Author

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