These cycles ultimately liberate each unique aspect of our innate, human nature from the deepest, and darkest chasms of our flesh and bones—every minute—cellular memory we have harbored over time.
No matter how painful or uncomfortable, this process is necessary. We learn to shift our perspective and the world around us begins to shape itself differently. As time goes on, we realize that, indeed, nothing has actually changed other than our manner of perception.
We simply learn to accept the nature and fabric of this universe, as it is, while gradually embracing the role we are here to play out. We enlighten ourselves through conscious and insightful—often introspective and repetitive—experiences—albeit sometimes painful and difficult to endure. We, nonetheless, embolden ourselves through humility and begin to exude our inner light and humble demeanor. We eventually accept things as they are—always far from perfect.
Therein lies the silver lining that we can embrace, on a deeper level. It becomes more and more evident each day, as we begin stepping into our new selves and seeing the world through new eyes, with a fresh and ever-widening perspective. We learn to respect our surroundings and the differentiation that exists all over this world. It offers its diversity to us, which is necessary for the ultimate growth of the soul that we are inevitably here to live, and grow through, as a species.
Far are we from being perfect. Never are we, or should we strive for, perfection. The original of you already exists—eternally—the blueprint of your soul, written in the stars and your lives, past, present and future, traversing space-time and interstellar-unknown. But in nature, we see that all is merely a copy of that same micro and macro universal blueprint, and in nature, there is a definite margin for error. Everything in the natural world, including us, is an abstract representation of God, or all-that-is.
It is fleeting—temporary—it just is. What is evident, is. How we perceive it is up to us. We learn to love it for what it is and just enjoy being here, with more present-awareness and attention to what truly matters, our relationships with ourselves and others.
We naturally err in our ways as humans, simply learning as we go, individually and collectively, but all that is divine, is in perfect order, unerring in its way—like immaculate design. We learn to ebb and flow with the seasons and photoperiods. It seems as though life is circumstantial, but it is actually spot-on, synchronistic. As we become more aware of, and involved energetically with, this waking, yet ever-shaping, reality, we trust the signs that present themselves in the most absurd, laughable and unreal ways.
A definite sign that I have noticed in my own life is the repetition of cycles, where we eerily repeat similar patterns of behaviors, or pathways (substance misuse, reliving or reverting to old (bad), comfortable (fear-based) habits, etc.) which are actually opportunities for us to rise through the obstacles and defiant challenges we have so often succumbed to. The ones that rear their ugly heads without fail, it seems for many of us, time and time again.
The other day, I jotted this down in my journal: “The best way to go nowhere, is to keep doing the same thing.”
People from our past may circle back into our lives all of the sudden. We are being granted a chance to resolve whatever character flaws that exist (potentially dormant and now suddenly awakened) within ourselves, that will ultimately clear any distortions we might have toward someone or other. This can be an uncomfortable and trying time, while we haplessly project onto our brighter future, all the while denying that we are actually drowning our proposed salvation (holding onto it in fear).
We must let go of the past and what happened—conversely releasing the future, so it may shape itself in obscurity. That is easier said than done, more often than not. Why? Because of our defiant and persistent minds which, abjectly, must be right, therefore blocking any other perception that would otherwise offer the proper perspective for us to learn and grow from. A perspective that would help us see through such challenges more peacefully, overall.
We transcend each experience, every trial and error that we are confronted with in this life, sometimes with genuine naivety. Facing our fears that are often reflected through others. We learn to see our ‘shipmates’ in a new and proper light, this lends to more compassion for ourselves as well.
Remember, this is just a fleeting life. It passes so quickly. What are we truly counting over time? It is in the moments that are worthwhile, the memories, so often bittersweet, and in the constant reminder that this life is, no doubt, a direct, feeling experience.
Once we arrive at deeper states of surrender (feeling into even the most uncomfortable of moments), we can gradually traverse each life experience with more grace and ease (courage). We can be easier on ourselves when we break down or have a tantrum (natural, emotional release). We realize and take responsibility for our behaviors, thoughts, and actions; therefore we know how we affect others and can stop projecting onto them (verbally, mentally and/or emotionally—thus, energetically).
We open ourselves up to others, instead, in whatever small or large ways we can, granting them passage to speak their truths; and we take each blow they might deliver to our fragile ego and weaker pride, with greater humility.
We strengthen our relationship with spirit.
We weather each storm, while turning inward to reflect on who we are—so eerily similar to the people we have allowed close to our hearts at some point in our lives. Never forget that even if someone suddenly arrives in your mind, the past can be healed through the ultimate surrender—forgiveness of whatever happened (ourselves included).
We play a part in matters too, whether we are conscious of it or not The further we introspect into our own interpretive dance through time—past, present and future—the grander our realization of the scope of the reality and responsibility we carry as waking human beings.
Let the wonder awaken your potential.
—Photo Credit: Flickr/Maurits Verbiest
The post Healing The Past Through Present And Willing Resolution appeared first on The Good Men Project.